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Environmental Sensors and Decision Support Tools
Sensors are the foundation of our work and critical to helping communities better understand and respond to extreme weather events. We are deploying a network of internet-connected sensors to monitor environmental conditions in real-time, and integrating this data into advanced earth system models and user-friendly digital dashboards for local stakeholders. By providing access to timely, localized observations and decision-support capabilities, we aim to empower communities to take proactive, evidence-based action to protect vulnerable populations and critical infrastructure from the impacts of climate change.
Deploy a comprehensive network of advanced environmental sensors throughout the Georgia coast to track key climate indicators like water level, air quality, and other environmental phenomena in real-time.
Integrate data from our water level sensors into hydrodynamic models to predict flooding at a hyper-local level and aid in emergency planning and response.
Develop user-friendly digital dashboards and web tools to support evidence-based resilience planning and informed decision-making, and provide technical assistance to help community leaders effectively utilize these tools.
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